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93º Anniversary of the birth of JOÃO GILBERTO │ "The musician of our lives"...!

On a day like today, João Gilberto Prado Pereira de Oliveira was born in a small town in the interior of the State of Bahia (BA) in Brazil .

On June 10, 1931, exactly 93 years ago today, a musical alchemist was born, or as Gilberto Gil says, an Einstein of music was born, inventing a new theory of "musical relativity."

A sound researcher was also born, the creator of new, sophisticated, timeless, transgressive and universal music.

At the end of the 1950s, João Gilberto discovered the magic formula of a hitherto unknown music, a musical style that years later would be called Bossa Nova . In essence, Bossa Nova is a new way ( bossa ) of interpreting the traditional Samba of Brazil...!

João Gilberto , accompanied only by a " violão" (classical guitar) and his soft voice, would forever change everything in Brazilian popular music, subsequently influencing other musical styles, mainly Jazz.

João Gilberto at Carnegie Hall │ Still from the film "They Shot the Pianist"
João Gilberto at Carnegie Hall (1962) │ Still from the film "They Shot the Pianist"

João Gilberto 's interpretation essentially consists of musical sequences that seem simple and minimalist due to their apparent simplicity in listening, but that in practice are very complex, both in their harmonic composition and in their musical elaboration.

These sequences of dissonant chords are the main protagonists of the melody, and flow harmonically within a " balanço " (rhythm) of syncopations on time and offbeat at the same time. To all this we must add sufficient doses of silence. Because that June 10, 1931, a lover and accomplice of silence was also born. A silence that is very present in all his interpretations.

Far from the sea, in the shade of the tamarind tree in the square of the Juazeiro church, Joãozinho , a 16-year-old boy , played the violão and sang insistently, who could not even imagine that several decades later he would be given standing applause by the audience of everyone.

► Gilberto Gil │ Gilbertos Samba "Sometimes when I encountered the " violão " (guitar), it is as if I entered a mysterious world, almost indecipherable... When I heard João , I thought: Now I have to face that mystery of the instrument ... Nothing like this had ever entered my ears and settled in my heart. João is one of the greatest artists of Brazilian Polupar Music (MPB) in the world.

He was the inventor of one of the great styles of world popular music, which is Bossa Nova . João is a great inventor, as if we imagined him to be an Einstein of music in the world. He invented a musical relativity, a new theory, he is a great teacher"...!

IV "Chega de Saudade" Project │ Everyone with JOÃO...! ❤
IV "Chega de Saudade" Project │ Everyone with JOÃO...! ❤

In the IV edition of the " Chega de Saudade " project, the Desafinados of BOSSA NOVA CLUBE They show once again their great admiration and affection for the brilliant Brazilian musician...!

That continuous obsession with perfection, applied to his musical honesty, is what has made João Gilberto the " musician of our lives " for millions of fans (Desafinados) and musicians around the world...!

Obrigado │ Gracias │ Thank you, João. ..!

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And like every June 10, we congratulate our favorite Desafinad, Miss Elidé Manzano Sosa. Proud of my great friends Cesitar & Marcela, Elidé from Madrid turns 11 today and for some time has been the bearer of the best personal and social values. A charming person...!

06/10/2024 │ Elidé Manzano Sosa │ 11 years old
06/10/2024 │ Elidé Manzano Sosa │ 11 years old

► Happy Birthday Elidé , in addition to the song you like, I leave you here 11 kisses....!

► "I really liked the end when everyone fell into the water, rehearsing in chorus: Qüem, qüem, qüem, qüem... │ qüem, qüem, qüem, qüem... │ João Gilberto também... │ qüem, qüem "...!

João Gilberto International Fan Club │ Facebook │ We are waiting for you...!

Desafinado , subscribe to our website and you will receive all the news and updates...!

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Desafinado's International Club

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